What color is love for you?

As an artist, I assign colors to all sort of things that don’t actually have color: emotions, thoughts, time, ideas…my inner world is very colorful, indeed. Matching color to concepts is a hallmark of many of our Drawing Meditation themes. Love is in the...
The Joys of Online Workshops

The Joys of Online Workshops

Most of us are well and truly exhausted by the number of online interactions we’ve had in the past 11 months and counting  – work meetings, online happy hours, first dates, classes, birthday parties, and beyond. As much as I love seeing my family and...

Diving into dreams with Feng Shui vision boards

Creating a vision board is a rewarding way to concretely visualise your dreams. But it can be quite intimidating to look at a blank piece of paper and think “What do I want and what are my dreams?”  So when I create vision boards, I use a structure I...
How to find calm with a pencil

How to find calm with a pencil

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been pulling out all my coping mechanisms the past few weeks. The news of an autumn surge of Covid-19 causing lockdowns and new rules, fraught elections in my homeland, literally darker days as we approach the winder...

How I’ve used a decade of theme words

I’m a believer in reflection and holding space for myself. One of the ways I have done that for the last decade is to seek a single word to guide my year. In 2009, fed up with my spending and with the consumer world we live in, I decided my theme for the year...
New Times for the US and Canada

New Times for the US and Canada

We have expanded our offerings to fit not only the morning-lovers in Japan, but also our friends in North America! (Times may shift due to daylight savings time.) Japan 9:30 am ThursdayNew York: 7:30 pm WednesdaySan Francisco: 4:30 pm Wednesday Japan 10:00 am...