Jan 28, 2021 | News
Most of us are well and truly exhausted by the number of online interactions we’ve had in the past 11 months and counting – work meetings, online happy hours, first dates, classes, birthday parties, and beyond. As much as I love seeing my family and...
Jan 11, 2021 | News
Creating a vision board is a rewarding way to concretely visualise your dreams. But it can be quite intimidating to look at a blank piece of paper and think “What do I want and what are my dreams?” So when I create vision boards, I use a structure I...
Nov 6, 2020 | News
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been pulling out all my coping mechanisms the past few weeks. The news of an autumn surge of Covid-19 causing lockdowns and new rules, fraught elections in my homeland, literally darker days as we approach the winder...
Nov 3, 2020 | News
I’m a believer in reflection and holding space for myself. One of the ways I have done that for the last decade is to seek a single word to guide my year. In 2009, fed up with my spending and with the consumer world we live in, I decided my theme for the year...
Oct 26, 2020 | News
We have expanded our offerings to fit not only the morning-lovers in Japan, but also our friends in North America! (Times may shift due to daylight savings time.) Japan 9:30 am ThursdayNew York: 7:30 pm WednesdaySan Francisco: 4:30 pm Wednesday Japan 10:00 am...