I’m going to be very honest here, I miss teaching workshops in person. There is a natural flow of connection, trust, and camaraderie when we are all together drawing in the same room. But gatherings simply aren’t an option right now. Even here in Japan, where infection rates are pretty low, who wants to risk catching this virus for the sake of doing art together?
Fortunately, the Drawing Meditations workshops and meditations translate well to an online format. In fact, there are some big (and small) advantages to doing the classes online:
- Save money. Our in-person classes start at $50 (5000 yen in Japan). Since we don’t have to rent a venue for online sessions, and we can’t provide snacks or supplies, you’ll find our online ticket price discounted almost 50% to a very reasonable $27. Same instruction, same insights, less overhead – we pass the cost on to you.
- Join from anywhere. Your classroom is anywhere you are. You don’t have to be in Japan or even in the same timezone. If you have Zoom and a reliable Internet connection, you’ll be able to participate no matter where you live. And you’ll have the chance to forge friendships with people all over the world.
- Apply what you learn. Have you ever taken a workshop that was really fun or insightful, but when you got home, you never used that skill again? When you join online from the comfort of your own space, using your own favorite art supplies, you are proving to yourself that you can do this outside a classroom. After the Zoom call ends, you’ll discover that you can use the Drawing Meditations techniques on your own.
And there’s a fourth advantage, too. Reduced social anxiety. Whether you’re feeling apprehensive about being around people these days, or you’re a natural introvert, let me assure you that these online classrooms are safe spaces. You can draw in the company of others without being especially outgoing.
So please explore the current catalog of online classes and sign up for one that interests you. Give it a try!
P.S. You might wonder if I am struggling to bring these classes to an online format. No way! I love it, actually. I’ve been teaching online since 1991 – well before Zoom and even before the Internet had the World Wide Web. I’ve developed online course materials for universities and for tech startups. I’m a huge advocate of online learning done right and I think with Drawing Meditations, we’ve found a sweet spot of active learning, self-practice, and skill sharing.