
Drawing Meditations are sometimes a form of art therapy. At the most recent  workshop on Friday evening, I decided to draw along with the rest of the class. I love creating the patterns that we learn in our workshop and I find them very relaxing. So keeping an eye on the time, I dove in and worked through the meditation I was leading. Our meditation topic was “Patterns of Self” and we developed patterns representing our relationships, attitudes, and abilities.

I started drawing the pattern pictured here, and through the process realised some new information about the relationship depicted. It used to be regular and predictable, but now is a bit broken and seems to be changing into something more fluid and unpredictable. How interesting to see that emerge on the page when it isn’t something I had considered previously. The drawing came out of me without any conscious awareness, but when I looked at it again, it was quite obvious to me how this should be interpreted and I enhanced those aspects a bit with extra marks and more lines.

If you’d like to experience your own subconscious emerging onto the page, join me for the next Drawing Meditations workshop in person on Friday, December 16 in Kamogawa, Chiba, Japan. The drawing tutorial is Light and Shadow and the meditation theme is Nightlights. You can drop me a message here to let me know you’re coming, or join the event on Facebook . If you’d like to book a private workshop or something outside Chiba, get in touch.

With your patronage, I hope to hold online workshops starting in 2017. Please consider subscribing to my Patreon campaign to help me make that happen and to get access to Patron-only post and special perks.